Psychic Healing Studio By Ella

Did You Ever Consider Spiritual Therapy?
It combines the best of traditional therapy techniques with the added insights gained from being psychic. When you want a boost or redirection,Confused, traumatized in fear of tomorrow …? Scrambling for answers about relationships, love matters, divorce,
marriage,business,children,family, finances,health. Ella will straighten Life's pathways and help you reach your destination of a happy successful life. Remember that we all go through tough times and feel lost or confused.
Ella Is Rated Five Stars By Google,Yellow Pages And Yelp!

Serving Virginia & Maryland
Available For Private Parties And Events.
Phone Readings And In Person Readings Are Available By Appointment Only.
In This World One Does Not Live Without Problems, Yet Why Endure Them When They Can Be Solved! There Are No Wrong Paths For A Seeker Of True Love

(About Ella)
Through Ella's readings you will find honesty, confidentiality, and understanding concerning many of life’s matters, such as love, marriage, soul mate, health, business, and happiness. Ella will not tell you what you want to hear, but what you will need to hear, to help you take control of your future. Your future is constantly changing, you are constantly changing.
Ella will help you respond to these changes by making the right decisions and influencing them in to your favor. The path to peace of mind, sometimes encounters roadblocks. Ella will help you meet these roadblocks head on, and produce solutions to overcome them, and what to do to avoid oncoming ones in the future.
Allow her to bring clarity and control into your life so you can approach your aims and desires with confidence. With 14 years of experience she has the ability to help you receive what you want and deserve, also help you gain the respect that you have earned and really see your self worth.
She will ensure that the session you receive is the right one for you. She will suggest what reading is best for you and which one suits your needs. People tend to turn to therapy when a crisis hits in their life and only to find that they are being treated medically and examined by a magnifying glass and that’s not the therapy you need or want. What you need is an understanding person who will recognize who you are, what you need and what is best for you in.
Getting a session with her can regain self worth, confidence, full potential and have more control in your life. Honestly, isn’t that what we all want, stability, peace of mind and fulfillment in life.

(Actual Healing Session Performed By Ella)
I offer spiritual healing and love + life guidance.
I intuitively channel guidance and deliver it in a loving but grounded manner.
+In my spare time I participate healing
I thrive on helping people get where they want to go in their life, and empowering them to make their most authentic decisions.
Not only do I absolutely love this work but I also have extensive training in it.
+ Attended a major University of Spiritual Studies, completed my In-Depth Channeling program, and am a certified Reiki Master + Chakra + Crystal Therapist.
-Although I am a natural born seer with bloodline generation of healers dating back centuries ago Ive underwent intensive training and healing with my superior ancestries and fellow gurus to get the utmost utilization of my gifts.
Some of my gifts include (but not limited to) clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudient, empathic and mediumship. I aim to make ancient practices more accessible to people, and explore how they can be used in our modern lives.
Ella Is Native American Indian Her Healing Power's Come From Her Native Culture.
She Is A Expert On LOVE Advice She Can Tell You What Your Partner Feel's About You And If You Are Soul Mates,
And Helps You You Get Direction On All Matters Of Life.
If Your In The Right Career Or What You Are Destined To Do Professionally.
Ella Can Help Clear Negative Energy So You Can Have A Clearer Mind. If You Need Advice On Any Problem *YOU WILL SEE IN ONE SESSION* That She Is a Born Gifted Psychic
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Call Ella Now To Help You Solve The Problem Thats Keeping You Up At Night.